Saturday, September 4, 2010

HEY HEY HEEEYYYYY wazzup peopleee!
HAI! udah lama bgt gue ga update blog. hampit setahun. waktu itu gara2 sibuk UN jadi intenet mesti gue tahan2 dulu.
danbue sekarang udah SMA.

udah SMA

i'm getting dragged into High School Life


mash sedih sih sebenernya ninggalin masa2 SMP. it's crazy. SMA ga seenak yg di bayangin cuy!
yah intinya...gue masih pengen bgt sekolah di 19 sama angkatan 21.
masih pengen banget.


a lot of things happened waktu lagi liburan 3 BULAN pasca UN
sebelum UN juga
PAS UN juga
aahhhh i miss my years in 19 JHS

memorable banget

love ya 19.21 <3

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


yeah it's ben a long time since i posted my last post. now, we're in 2010, ppl! haha so yeah. haveing some resolutions?

me not. but now i have something new. a lot of new thing.hope this year will be the best year :)

okay so, these are the things:

* RPATTZ AND KSTEW's new year's eve TOGETHER IN LONDON. oh puhlease. i never get bored of them :) and. and they are TOGETHER! 'kay underline that, ppl.

* I got to do National Examination (Ujian Nasional). i already did it. did my best. wish i 'll get a perfect score. amen!

* this is the most important thing...i have moved on.

that's it. i can't spill all of that. it's too many! haha so yeah, bye. see ya later ;)

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


yeah i bought this book. it's named Wuthering Heights. i've just read two chapters of it. it's kind of a classic novel so there're lots of words i can't understand. lots of phrase and blablabla so i need my heavy dictionary everytime i read it. (i don't have Alfa Link :p). but it's been made into a movie. so i think this novel it's great.
it tells about a man, Heathcliff who falls madly in love with a woman, Catherine.yeah i just can describe like that. maybe i'll tell ya later after i finish the book.
just share it.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

the color of life

oke. i just wanna say. don't give up with life. pain, hurt, happiness, love, pride, those are the color of your life. bosen kan kalo hidup cuma item-putih doang? dan sebetulnya,idup tuh ga pernah item-putih. kalo emang iya? lo sendiri yg bikin itu hitam dan putih. warna dasar. dan lo ga menempatkan diri lo ke tempat yg lebih terang terang dan terang. jangan pernah stuck. jngan pernah takut untuk berubah asal itu the good change.
lo punya warna, lo punya cahaya. jadi buka mata lihat dunia
too much color in this world you can get that